1.花果山的 英文是 什么啊

2.灵渠的英文旅游景点介绍 灵渠英文名

3.平顶山旅游景点介绍英文 平顶山的英文名




Introduction of HangZhou

Capital of Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou is a tourist city well known at home and abroad. It lieson the lower reaches of the Qiantang River and is the southern end of the _,794-kllometre-long Grand Canal (Beijing- Hangzhou Canal). With an area of 16,596 square kilometers inhabited by a population of 6.08 million, it embraces six urban districts and seven suburban counties, namely, Yuhang, Xiaoshan, Fuyang, Tonglu, Lin'an, Jiande and Chun'an.

West Lake

Lying on the west edge of Hangzhou city, West Lake is the symbol of Hangzhou as well as one of the most beautiful sights in China. Early in the Song dynasty, the famous poet Su Shi compared the lake to Xizi, a Chinese Cleopatra: "Ripping water shimmering on sunny day; Misty mountains wonder in the rain; Plain or gaily decked out like Xizi; the West Lake is always alluring". So the Lake is also known as Xizi Lake. With an area of 6 sq. km. and a circumference of 15km (9 miles), West Lake, surround in three sides by rolling wooded hills, has captivated countless visitors for centuries. The beauty of the West Lake lies in a lingering charm that survives the change of seasons in a year, of hours in a day, and of different weathers.

Lingyin Temple

Located at the foot of the Lingyin Hill northwest of the city, Temple of Inspired Seclusion (Lingyin Temple) was built in the Eastern Jin dynasty (317-420). The 33.6-metre-high main hall (Sakyamuni Hall) is a masterpiece of ancient buildings with one story and doubled ees. The two nine-storied octagonal pagodas in front of the main hall and the two stone towers containing the Buddhist sutras in front of the Lokapala Hall were all built in the Five dynasties (907-960). In the ces on the Feilai Hill, there are some 300 Buddhist stone carvings dating back to the Five dynasties, the Song dynasty (960-1279) and the Yuan dynasty (1271-1368). The elegant stone carvings are of high artistic value.



杭州是浙江省的政治、经济、文化、教育、交通和金融中心,因风景秀丽,素有“人间天堂”的美誉。杭州得益于京杭运河和通商口岸的便利,以及自身发达的 丝绸和粮食产业,历史上曾是重要的商业集散中心。后来依托__继返忍废呗返耐ǔ狄约吧虾T诮隹诿骋追矫娴拇 轻工业发展迅速。著名景点有:西湖、京杭大运河、西溪湿地、灵隐寺、六和塔、良渚遗址、湘湖等。



西湖十景 Ten scenes of West Lake

苏堤春晓 Dawn on the Su Causeway in Spring

曲院风荷 Curved Yard and Lotus Pool in Summer

平湖秋月 Moon over the Peaceful Lake in Autumn

断桥残雪 Remnant Snow on the Broken Bridge in Winter

花港观鱼 Fish Viewing at the Flower Pond

雷峰夕照 Leifeng Pagoda in the Sunset

三潭印月 Three Ponds Mirroring the Moon

双峰插云 Two Peaks Piercing the Clouds

南屏晚钟 Evening Bell Ringing at the Nanping Hill

柳浪闻莺 Orioles Singing in the Willows

新西湖十景 Ten new scenes of West Lake

宝石流霞 Precious stone hill floating in rosy clouds

黄龙吐翠 Yellow Dragon ce dressed in green

满陇桂雨 Sweet osmanthus rain at Manjuelong

虎跑梦泉 Dream of the tiger spring

九溪烟树 Nine creeks in misty forest

龙井问茶 Enjoying tea at dragon well

云栖竹径 Bamboo-lined path at Yunqi

玉皇飞云 Flying clouds over jade Emperor hill

吴山天风 Sky wind over Wu Hill

阮墩环碧 Ruangong islet submerged in greenery

杭州其他景点 Other sights

楼外楼 Lou Wailou Restaurant

西泠印社 Xiling Seal—Engrers' Society

西泠桥和苏小小墓 Xiling bridge and Su Xiaoxiao tomb

岳飞庙和墓 Yue Fei's temple and his tomb

杭州植物园 Hangzhou botanical garden

玉泉 Jade Spring

灵峰探梅 Visiting Lingfeng for plum blossoms

灵隐寺 Lingyin Temple

杨公堤 Yang Gong causeway

涌金池 Yongjin pool

钱王祠 King Qian's temple

长桥 Long bridge

六和塔 Six harmonies pagoda (Liuhe pagoda)

钱塘江 Qiantang River

钱塘潮 Qiantang Tide

丝绸城 Silk city

胡雪岩故居 Hu Xueyan's Former Residence

和坊街 Hefang Street

杭州特色美食 Special delicacies

杭帮菜 Hangzhou dishes

干炸响铃 Stir-Fried Bean Curd Rolls Stuffed with Minced Tenderloin

西湖莼菜汤 West Lake Water Shield Soup

西湖醋鱼 West Lake Fish in Vinegar Sauce

南肉春笋 Home-made Salted Pork with Spring Bamboo Shoots

叫化童子鸡 Beggar's Chicken

龙井虾仁 Fried Shelled Shrimps with Dragon Well Tea

东坡肉 Dongpo Pork

糟烩鞭笋 Braised Bamboo Shoots in Wine Sauce

鱼头豆腐 Fish Head and Bean Curd Soup

猫耳朵 Cat-ear Shaped Pasta

吴山酥油饼 Wushan Hill Crispy Cake

葱包桧儿 Shallot Stuffed Pancake

杭州特产 Hangzhou specialities

杭州丝绸 Hangzhou silk

西湖绸伞 West Lake silk umbrella

张小泉剪刀 Zhang Xiaoquan scissors

王星记扇子 Wangxingji fans

西湖龙井 West Lake Longjing Tea

西湖藕粉 West Lake lotus root powder


The discovery of ancient human fossils at wuguidong site in Hangzhou confirmed that there were ancient human beings living on the land of Hangzhou 50000 years ago. The excation of Xiaoshan cross Lake Bridge site confirmed that there were modern human beings living here as early as 8000 years ago.


It is said that when Xia Yu controlled the flood, the whole country was divided into Kyushu, and the vast area to the south of the Yangtze River was generally called Yangzhou. In the 21st century B.C., during the southern tour of Xia Yu, the princes of the general assembly, Yu Kuaiji (now Shaoxing), once sailed here by boat and ge up their Hangzhou (the "hang" is the ark) here, hence the name "Yuhang".









West Lake (Chinese: 西湖; Pinyin: Xī Hú) is a famous fresh water lake located in central Hangzhou, in Zhejiang province of eastern China.

The lake is divided by three causeways called su di (苏堤) , bai di (白堤), and yanggong di (杨公堤).

Note: There are 800 West Lakes in China (according to the Lonely Planet). However, the term "West Lake" or "Xi Hu" is generally used to refer to the one in Hangzhou.

The Ten major attractions of West Lake, each marked by a stela with the name written in the calligraphy of the Emperor Qianlong Emperor, are:

Spring Dawn on the Su Causeway (苏堤春晓)

Listining Orioles Singing in the Willows (柳浪闻莺)

View Fish in the Flower Harbour (花港观鱼)

Lotus in the Breeze at the Winding Courtyard (曲苑风荷)

Evening Bells at the Nanping Mountain (南屏晚钟)

Autumn Moon over a Calm Lake (平湖秋月)

Evening Sunshine over Leifeng Pagoda (雷峰夕照)

Three Pools Mirroring the Moon (三潭印月)

Melting Snow on Broken Bridge (断桥残雪)

Twin Peaks Piercing the Clouds (双峰插云) - The "Jungfrau of West Lake"

The West Lake is said to be the incarnation of Xi Shi, one of the Four Beauties of ancient China. Hence, since ancient times, the West Lake was associated with a large number of romatic poets, profound philosophers, national heros and s.

Eastern Jin Dynasty philosopher Ge Hong practiced Taoism in the Ge Mountain, and wrote his great philosophical work: Bao Pu Zhi (抱朴子).

Tang Dynasty poet Luo Binwang reclused in Lingyin Temple

Tang Dynasty poet-governor Bai Juyi built the first causeway, which the Bai Causeway.

Song Dynasty poet-governor Su Dongpo, dredged the lake and built up the Su Causeway, made it into another beautiful landmark of West Lake. He also invented a special recipe for preparing pork: the Dongpo Pork. Dongpo Pork is on the menu of every restaurant in Hangzhou

Song Dynasty national hero Yue Fei was buried near the West Lake

Lotus in the Breeze at the Winding CourtyardThe great Ming Dynasty essayist Zhang Dai, wrote a number great essays about the West Lake in Reminiscence and Dream of Tao'an (陶庵梦忆), and a whole book: Search for West Lake in Dreams (西湖梦寻).


West Lake, located in the west of Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, is one of the first national key scenic spots in China and one of China's top ten scenic spots. It is one of the main ornamental freshwater lakes in mainland China, and is one of the few World Heritage Sites and the only lake cultural heritage in China.


The West Lake is surrounded by mountains on three sides, covering an area of 6.39 square kilometers, about 2.8 kilometers wide from east to west, 3.2 kilometers long from north to south, and nearly 15 kilometers around the lake.


The lake is separated by Gushan, Baidi, Sudi and Yanggong Dikes. According to the size of the area, there are five water faces, namely, West Lake, Xili Lake, Beili Lake, Xiaonan Lake and Yuehu.


Su Di and Bai Dike cross the lake, Xiao Wei Chau The three small islands of Huxinting and Mekongdun stand in the heart of the West Lake. The Leifeng Pagoda in Xizhao Mountain and the Baoding Tower in the Gem Mountain are separated by the lake, thus forming “One Mountain, Two Towers, Three Islands, The basic pattern of the Three Dykes and Five Lakes.





位于西湖的西部水域,_骶嗪靼对500米, 范围约9.66公顷。北宋元_五年(1090年) ,著名文人苏轼用疏浚西湖时挖出的湖泥堆筑了一条南北走向的长堤。堤上建有六桥,自南向北依次命名为映波桥、锁澜桥、望山桥、压堤桥、东浦桥和跨虹桥。


花果山的 英文是 什么啊


香格里拉 [xiāng gé lǐ lā ]位于云南省西北部。为“香格里拉”旅游线路的腹地。从大理沿滇藏公路北行315公里,可达迪庆藏族自治州首府中甸县城中心镇,距昆明659公里,乘飞机50分钟可达。迪庆,藏语意为“吉祥如意的地方”。由于地处青藏高原东南边缘、横断山脉南段北端,“三江并流”之腹地,形成独特的融雪山、峡谷、草原、高山湖泊、原始森林和民族风情为一体的景观,为多功能的旅游风景名胜区。景区内雪峰连绵,云南省最高峰卡格博峰等巍峨壮丽、仅中甸县境内,海拔4000米以上的雪山就达470座峡谷纵横深切,最著名的有江虎跳峡、澜沧江峡谷等大峡谷,再有辽阔的高山草原牧场、莽莽的原始森林以及星罗棋布的高山湖泊,使迪庆的自然景观神奇险峻而又清幽灵秀。



“香格里拉”一词,是1933年美国家詹姆斯·希尔顿(James Hilton)在《失去的地平线》("Lost Horizon")中所描绘的一块永恒和平宁静的土地。是个有雪峰峡谷、金碧辉煌且充满神秘色彩的庙宇、被森林环绕着的宁静的湖泊、美丽的大草原及牛羊成群的世外桃源。而迪庆却惟妙惟肖的拥有着詹姆斯· 希尔顿(James Hilton)书中描写的一切,更加巧合的是,“香格里拉”一词是迪庆中甸的藏语,为“心中的日月”之意,它是藏民心目中的理想生活环境和至高至尚的境界。迪庆高原就是人们寻找了半个世纪的“香格里拉”。











Dali has a lot of good place to play, such as the erhai lake, Dali three towers, butterfly spring, etc



Dali bai autonomous prefecture is located in the west of central yunnan province, with an altitude of 2090 meters. It is adjacent to chuxiong prefecture in the east, puer city and lincang city in the south, baoshan city and nujiang state in the west, and lijiang city in the north.

The ground spans 98°52 '~ 101°03' in the east longitude, 24°41 '~ 26°42' in the north latitude, east tour erhai sea, west and point cangshan vein, administration Dali city and xiangyun, yidu, binchuan, yongping, yunlong, eryuan, heqing, jianchuan eight counties and yangbi, weishan, nanjian three minority autonomous counties, is one of the early areas of southwest frontier development.

Located in the low latitude plateau, the four seasons temperature difference is not big, dry and wet season is clear, to the low latitude plateau monsoon climate, the territory to butterfly spring, cangshan, erhai, Dali ancient city, chongsheng temple three towers and other attractions are the most representative.









灵渠的英文旅游景点介绍 灵渠英文名

花果山的英文是Mount Huaguoshan。花果山位于江苏省连云港市南云台山中麓。花果山景区是国家级云台山风景名胜区的核心景区、国家AAAAA级旅游景区、全国文明风景旅游区示范点、第二批国家重点风景名胜区、国家地质公园。






平顶山旅游景点介绍英文 平顶山的英文名


A brief introduction to Dreams on water ,

Dream Tour of Guilin Water System

Dreams on water _ two rivers and four lakes in Guilin refers to Li river , Taohua river and Ronghu lake ,Shahu lake ,Guihu lake , Mulong lake which from Dream Tour of Guilin Water SystemWater-tour of Guilin started in tang dynasty and was popular in song dynasty ,when there were many lakes and ponds here and there in Guilin city , and the water system was very developed. People could enjoy all the well-known scenic spots by a small boat. However ,with the changes of times, the “two rivers and four lakes ” were cut off , the Guilin Water System was fragmented and the water quality was worsened. In 1998, the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Administration carried out the “Two River and Four Lakes” project: connecting the rivers and lakes, greening the hills and cleaning the water, cleaning the slit and dirt, drawing water into lakes, building the roads, putting up the bridges, greening up and beautifying, cultural construction, etc. This project has not only resumed and expanded the old Guilin water system, improved the ecological environment of the city center area and developed the grade and quality of the city, but the pleasure boats he also been sailing on the water of the city again. The recreational landscape which is superb in China can be compared well with the special water-tours in the cities like the “water city ” Venice, the Seine River Paris and the Amsterdam canal.

Today Dream tour of Guilin Water System has operated the day-and-night tour that is a new cruise line in Guilin. Therefore, the tourists can not only visit three scenic spots with their individual characteristics, but also reciate the famous traditional hills along the water system in the pleasure boat. The three scenic spots are Chinese classical garden _Ronghu、Shahu lakes scenic spot, the harmony-of-man-with-natural ecological garden _Guihu lake scenic spot , the song dynasty historic cultural garden _Mulong lake scenic spot ,where you can enjoy the newly-built famous Bridges Exposition Garden, Famous Flowers, Trees and Weeds Exposition Garden, Pilions and Towers Exposition Garden , and sculpture Exposition Garden. The famous traditional hills are the Elephant Hill, FuBo Hill, Yao Hill, BaoJi Hill and Laoren Hill, etc. It is different from the Li river natural hills and waters that Dreams Tour of Guilin Water System stresses the profound sediment of history and connotations of culture which are possessed by Guilin as a Chinese famous historical and cultural city. After resuming and connecting of the Guilin Water System, many important cultural relics _ the Sheli Tower(tang dynasty), the song city wall, the former Residence of LI Jishen and the place where general Ye Ting was imprisoned, which he long been consigned to oblivion and forgotten, he also been repaired, protected and excated. The profound historical culture, beautiful natural hills and waters and good ecological environment in Guilin he been in perfect harmony in Guilin water system.

In the future ,Guilin water system will be a gold waterway and enjoy equal renown with Li river.

灵渠 _[líng qú]什么意思?近义词和反义词是什么?英文翻译是什么?

灵渠 _[líng qú] [灵渠]基本解释

在 广西 兴安 境内, 秦始皇 命 史禄 兴修,以沟通 湘 漓 二水,是世界上最古老的运河之一。长三十三公里。今名 兴安运河 或 湘桂运河 。


在 广西 兴安 境内, 秦始皇 命 史禄 兴修,以沟通 湘 漓 二水,是世界上最古老的运河之一。长三十三公里。今名 兴安运河 或 湘桂运河 。

明 徐弘祖 《徐霞客游记·粤西游日记一》:“ 兴安县 万里桥 ,桥下水_北城西去,两岸_石,中流平而不广,即 灵渠 。” 明 邝露 《浮湘礼三闾墓田寻贾生故宅》诗:“浮 湘 孤月下 灵渠 ,牢落残魂伴索居。”


灵渠,古称秦凿渠、零渠、陡河、兴安运河、湘桂运河,是古代中国劳动人民创造的一项伟大工程。位于广西壮族自治区兴安县境内,于公元前214年凿成通航。灵渠流向由东向西,将兴安县东面的海洋河(湘江源头,流向由南向北)和兴安县西面的大溶江(漓江源头,流向由北向南)相连,是世界上最古老的运河之一,有着“世界古代水利建筑明珠”的美誉。 更多→ 灵渠


Linqu c ***

[灵渠]相关词语 严肃 设计 气氛 蛊虫 仔细 魁梧 简单 认真 著名 倔强 幸福 埋怨





来广西旅游,不仅可以领略到我国南部边陲的山水风情,还能顺便跨越国界,去邻近的越南看看。 Speak of Guangxi, first make the person think of of, would be the laurel wood of that landscape number one in the world.In fact all he everywhere on the land of south Jiang wood with laurel the similar mountain clear water show of lovely view, the yonder tree is evergreen all the year round, the yonder sea Zhan is blue to clarify, and the yonder national minority romantic feeling only has.Numerous there of, like"Liu Jiang Ren", "white lotus hole person"'s ce ruins;Virtuous sky of waterfallses of the grand view;Strong clan first the people's flower mountain mural;Great cheerful Anne works properly sightses in the they historic monument to all display faraway history in Guangxi to people.But the generation gather to reside here of strong, seedling, Tong custom culture of etc. national minority people that each special feature, and wide for spread of Liu San Jie's legend is also a people diligence in Guangxi smartness of concentrated embodiment.Come to Guangxi to trel, not only can grasp our country the landscape romantic feeling of the southern backland, return can conveniently cross over national boundary, see in close by Vietnam.


景点名称 所在城市

漓江风光 桂林

漓江是世界上风光最秀丽的河流之一。 漓江发源于“华南第一峰”桂北越城岭猫儿山,那是个林丰木秀,空气清新,生态环境极佳的地方。漓江上游主流称六峒河;南流至兴安县司门前附近,东纳黄柏江,西受川江,合流称溶江;由溶江镇汇灵渠水,流经灵川、桂林、阳朔,至平乐,长160公里,称漓江。 漓江两岸的山峰伟岸挺拔,形态万千,石峰上多长有茸茸的灌木和小花,远远看去,若美女身上的衣衫。江岸的堤坝上,终年碧

两江四湖 桂林

漓江、桃花江、木龙湖、桂湖、榕湖、杉湖谓之两江四湖。桂、杉、三湖宋已有之,今之木龙湖本为陆地。为沟通漓江与内湖之水脉,掘土45万余方,乃成。因与漓江之交汇处有木龙古渡之胜景,其上木龙洞在焉,故曰木龙湖。 两江四湖景区遍植名树、名花、名草,造榕树、银杏、雪松、水杉、木兰、棕榈诸园,以改善桂林中心城之生态;架设名桥19座,以增加江湖之灵气;恢复、修建古之名楼、名塔、名亭万余平方米,以增桂林

象鼻山 桂林

象山公园 地处市中心的漓江与桃花江汇流处,园内自然山水与人文景观相辉映。象山,栩栩如生,引人入胜,被人们称为桂林山水的象征。 象鼻山 位于市内桃花江与漓江汇流处, 是桂林名山之一, 主要景点有水月洞、象眼岩、普贤塔、宏峰寺及寺内的太平天国革命遗址陈列馆等。附近还有隋唐寺仅存的舍利塔。水月洞紧靠江边, 漓水流贯其间, 如水中浮月,山石垂入水中又如象鼻饮水漓江, 景致极佳, 唐宋以来

芦笛岩 桂林


The scenic spot name city

Lijiang River scenery Guilin

Lijiang River is one of world winning side light most beautiful rivers. The Lijiang River origin in “the South China first peak” north the cassiabarktree the yuecheng ridge cat mountain, that is Lin Fengmu Xiu, the air is fresh, ecological environment extremely good place.Upstream the Lijiang River the mainstream calls six ce rivers; South flows to Xing'an County Si Menqian nearby, east accepts the cork river, west receives the rivers, the confluence name dissolves the river; By dissolves the Jiangzhen to collect the spirit Qu, flows after Lingchuan, Guilin, Yangshuo, to Pingle, the long 160 kilometers, calls the Lijiang River. Lijiang River both banks mountain peak great tall and straight, the shape great amount, on the is much long has the soft and thick bush and the floret, looks by far, if on beautiful woman body clothing.On the river bank dike, the blue two jiangs

four lake Guilin Lijiang River

, peach Huajiang, wooden Long Lake, Gui Hu, the banyan tree lake, the cedar lake say all year long the two jiangs four lakes.The cassiabarktree, the cedar, three lake Song Yi he it, wood of Long Lake now originally is a land.In order to communicate the Lijiang River water course of with in lake, excates 450,000 sides, is becomes.Therefore says wooden Long Lake. The two jiangs four lake scenic areas spread plant the famous tree, the precious flower, the famous grass, makes the banyan fig, the gingko, the deodar cedar, the metasequoia, the Lily magnolia, the palm various gardens, improves ecology of the Guilin center city; Erects famous bridge 19, increases divine and wonderful spirit of the rivers and lakes; Restores, constructs ancient name building, famous tower, the famous pilion ten thousand square meters, increases the Guilin。Xiangshan, lifelike, fascinating, is called by the people the Guilin scenery the symbol. Local the trunk mountain is located peach Huajiang and the Lijiang River afflux place, is one of Guilin famous mountains, the main scenic spot has the water arch, in the elephant eye crag, the Pu virtuous tower, the great peak temple and the temple Taiping Heenly Kingdom revolution ruins exhibition hall and so on.The nearby also has the stupa which Sui and Tang dynasties Kaiyuan Temple only ses.During the water arch abutting waterfront, flowings the current of water to pass through, like in the water floats the month, Shan Shichui enters in the water like the trunk potable water Lijiang River, the view extremely is also good, since the Tang Song

the reed flute crag Guilin

reed flute layers west Guilin the northern suburbs, he been apart from the town center 5 kilometers, is one take tours the grotto primarily, the ornamental scenery rural scenery as the auxiliary scenery scenic spot area.Reed flute grotto deep 240 meters, tourist itinerary 500 metersIn the hole has the massive wonderful foothills varied, the exquisitely carved stalagmite, the stalactite, the stone column, Shi Man, the stone is colored, dazzling, has composed lion landscapes and so on range rosy-colored clouds at dawn, red silk gauze valuable account, p'anlung sc gd pagoda, virgin forest, crystal palace, Mt. Huaguo, makes the tourist to be eyes cannot take it all in, the like fairyland, by the reputation is “the nature palace of art”.From the Tang Dynasty, all previous dynasties all has the tourist trail, present hole memory all previous dynasties mural 77 pieces.From 1959 discovered and opens



Guilin, also known as Bagui and Guizhou, is a world-famous scenic city and an important p




Trel to Pingdingshan, Henan


Trel to Pingdingshan, Henan


Trel to Pingdingshan, Henan


Pingdingshan is located in central Henan Province, has a total area of 7882 square kilometers, has a population of 502 million, mild climate, beautiful scenery, every day visitors from around the world, great changes he taken place in the past few years, in the national development plays an important role














Hello, everyone! I am your tour guide James. In the following four days, I will show you around Beijing. First let me tell you something about this city.

Beijing, our capital city, is in the northern part of China. It's also the political centre in China.

It is beautiful and modern, but there are too many cars and the air pollution is quite serious now. Beijing has a long history and it is an old city. There are lots of places of interest to visit here, such as the Great Wall, Tian'anmen Square, the Summer Palace and so on. And the Palace Museum was once the emperors' home. Autumn is the most beautiful season, and the weather is fine and the natural views are so beautiful during summer. If you want to learn more about this city, you can read the book "Trel in Beijing".Now, I will give each of you the tour book.

Hope you will he a nice time here!


The main treling visits the scenic spot to he Famen Temple, the Duke of Zhou temple, five ten feet of originally Zhuge Liang temples, the Mt. Guanshan prairie, Jiang Taigong Senkaku Islands, Yongcheng and Qin Gongda the gre ruins, the taibai mountains, the Yandiling ancestral hall, the Baoji Bronzeware Museum, the chint'ai view, north the first range, East Lake, the Jiucheng Palace ruins and so on. And, Baoji ten big scenic sites for Famen Temple, taibai mountains country forest park, Senkaku Islands, Duke of Zhou temple, five ten feet of originally Zhuge Liang temples, Fengxiang East Lake, Jialing River source scenic spot, Mt. Guanshan prairie, Yandiling ancestral hall, Baoji Bronzeware Museum.