







       “去旅游”这个说法在英语中可以用多种方式表达,可以是短语形式的go on a trip,go on a travel,have a journey,也可以使用单个动词,比如trip,travel,journey,tour等等。


       Did you have a good trip? 你们旅行愉快吗?

       How did you like your travel to London? 你认为你们到伦敦的旅行怎么样?

       During my last trip to Bath, I met an interesting woman. 在我去巴斯的旅途中,我遇到一位有趣的女士。

       The old man travelled to many remote countries. 那个老人旅行去过很多遥远的国度。

       They made a plan for?journeying overland across North America. 他们做了计划,要横穿北美洲。

       They are touring in India. 他们正在印度游历。


       1、travel, journey, trip, tour. 都表示旅游。

        2、journey英 [dn?] 美 [?d?n?] 。


        4、[例句]He journeyed on foot.他徒步旅行。


       1.journey 一般用于路途较远的长途线性旅游

       例如:A pleasant journey to you! 祝你一路顺风!?

       tour 一般用于巡回游,比如巡游世界一圈,这样的,一般都是回来了才用这个说,完成了一个轨迹,

       例如I'd like to tour in companies that go round the country.?



       trip 一般用于简单的旅行出差之类的

       例如:He has gone on a business trip.?




       must can might peobably maybe




       travel 英[?tr?vl] 美[?tr?v?l]

       n. 旅行; 进行; 移动; 漫游;

       vi. 旅行; 传送; 前进,行进; [篮球] 走步;

       vt. 经过,通过; 游历;

       [例句]You had better travel to Helsinki tomorrow


       Information on travel in New Zealand is available at the hotel


       Dr Ryan travelled the world gathering material for his book


       When sound travels through water, strange things can happen


       He also collects things for the house on his travels abroad.



       旅游用英语说是:英 [?tr?vl],美 [?tr?vl],写法是Travel








       Jessica: Wuqiong,

       what are you doing on the computer? You've spent hours on the


       WQ: Jessica,


       Jessica: 攻略?Are you

       going to attack Italy?

       WQ: 哪有!


       Jessica: I see. You

       were referring to travel tips. You are right, Wuqiong, flipping through travel

       guide books and get some tips from the Internet can be really helpful,

       especially when it is your first trip to a new place.

       WQ: Yep! For

       example, I was just looking for ways to get discount on museum tickets, and some

       of the tips that people shared online came in really handy!

       Jessica: Make good

       use of the tips. They also help you avoid tourist traps!

       WQ: Tourist traps?

       哦,就是旅游陷阱吧! 这个最烦人了,Tourist traps are annoying and can spoil the whole


       Jessica: So,

       Wuqiong, how long are you going to stay in Italy?



       Jessica: Four days

       only? So you are going to stay in one city?

       WQ: Actually I'm

       going to tour 4 cities and they are far away from each other.

       Jessica: I see.

       This is a whirlwind tour then.


       W-h-i-r-l-w-i-n-d, whirlwind 是旋风的意思,whirlwind

       tour就是旋风旅游,也就是一阵风似的在很短的时间内去很多地方走马观花。唉,I can only afford a whirlwind tour right

       now. I really wish I had more time and money.

       Jessica: You will!

       Italy's not going anywhere. You can always go back someday!


       今天我们学了,旅游攻略是travel tips, 旅游陷阱是tourist trap, 旋风旅行则是 whirlwind tour.
